Sunday, December 23, 2007

Back more than a year later...

More than a year later, I didn't have to take a sick day again, and I finished a Master's degree. Now I can spend more time riding and gardening and writing. Let's see what we have...


Philip Williamson said...

I guess we'll see you about xmas time this year?
Random comment - saw you on JP's blog, clicked to see if you were 'really' William Gibson. I guess you are... :^)

Nice bike. I love my QB to bits.

Bill Gibson said...

No, I'm not the famous writer of fiction. Yeah, I'm a shy person; haven't decided how best to use a blog, but still enjoy browsing and pitching in on bicycle email lists. I think personal blogs reduce the time available for email list communities. Maybe they are more useful for those who need to display a portfolio or stay in the public eye. I need a bigger, tougher ego to blog more, I'm thinking. Maybe I'll grow one!